For the first of our ‘interviews with interesting people’ we’ve kept things very local by going ten minutes down the road from Polaris HQ to Cotic bikes. One of the most distinctive, disruptive, but deep think practical and community / customer obsessed brands we know. In short, a crew we’re stoked to share core values as well as local trails with. So, here’s some medium length words from a long man with a passion for putting people on bikes they’ll love.

Who are you?
Cy Turner, Founder and Owner of Cotic Bikes. Husband, Father, Bike Nerd.
What are people likely to know you for?
Bloody-mindedly making cool, modern steel bikes when the whole rest of the industry seems to think other materials are better. (They aren't).
There must be easier things you could be doing in the normal 9 to 5 world that would probably pay better. So why do you bother?
Right now, with the industry where it is I might agree with you, but I did 9 to 5 for a bit and whilst there were some highlights, I eventually ended up doing Cotic because that job made me go pop from stress. Anything that pays better than Cotic wouldn't be 9-5 anyway, nothing senior or well-paid ever is. Given I've been doing this for over 20 years now I suspect I am also almost completely incapable of taking direction from someone else!
What are you proudest of in terms of your brand?
That we are still here after 22 years, that for most of that time it was brilliant and fun and provided for my family and got me loads of cool bikes and experiences. I am also very proud that a lot of the steel makers these days cite Cotic as an inspiration. Particularly when it comes to things like building forward thinking steel full suspension bikes. That's nice.
What’s the success that surprised you most?
First off, I was kinda surprised to sell so many Soul frames in the first year or so of doing Cotic. After that I guess the drop bar bikes, because that was never any of our backgrounds. The Escapade was designed as a tough, comfortable road bike that we wanted with big tyres and proper brakes and not-death geometry, and gravel just kind of happened around it.
What’s the funniest screw up?
The first batch of frames getting the RAL number switched by the agent and them all coming barbie pink instead of gloss grey.
Can you build frames yourself?
No, but I wish I could. I have never been brilliant with my hands, and I am so envious of people who can. I am learning a lot more about it these days with all the onshoring of production we're doing, and I'm really enjoying having a much better handle on it.
What do you find hardest?
Marketing and brand. I do my best, and I get some help, but it's not my forte. Probably ought to plan more for Cotic too, but I should probably do that in my whole life and I never have. Not really wired that way.
What’s the bit you never get tired of?
Hearing from customers who are stoked on the bikes. It's quite unusual to work in an industry where you can so profoundly touch people. That's amazing.
Uphill or downhill rider / sweater or jumper?
Bit of both, but definitely more of a sweater than a jumper.
Uphill or downhill mentality? (e.g. do you tend to make things harder than they have to be or take the easier option)
Always pick the smoothest line....
Favourite sort of ride?
Big day out at the Golfie. Massive steady pedals up the hill to look at the view, then dirty steep tech on the way down. Rinse and repeat. Back to No1 Peebles Road for coffee and medals.
Favourite riding destination?
UK? Golfie. Worldwide? Finale Ligure.
Favourite bit of clothing?
I have had a really lightweight, mesh backed Royal gillet for over 10 years. Fortunately, it's still in one piece as they are not a thing brands really make anymore, and I probably either have it with me or wear it on 90% of my rides.
Photo credit: Digital Downhill
If Polaris could make you a piece of custom kit what would it be?
Slim, light riding pants that are long enough for tall fellas. If your inseam is longer than 34" then most riding trousers are almost comically too short.
What’s your secret skill?
Not sure I have one. I'm enough of a show off that I tell people about things I'm good at!
Mastermind specialist subject (non bike)?
Tamiya RC cars 1985-1995
Photo credit: Digital Downhill
What are you looking forward to in the next 12 months?
Getting our new Rocket ebike out to customers.
What would you change about mountain biking?
I like a lot about it, but it would be nice if there was an easier way into the sport these days. I think it seems quite intimidating, even though it's just dicking about in the mud with your mates at its most fundamental level.
What would you change about the bike industry?
That's much too big a thing to answer with too much swearing.
Connect with Cotic
Phone and email are on the website. We're always keen to talk bikes.
Cotic HQ is open for showroom and demo in Chesterfield UK