Tell us about yourself!
Kyle Dunn, 31 years old and always cold. I cycle, run and fish but never catch owt.
Currently, I am responsible for warehouse and customer service operations. My duties include managing orders, processing returns, handling stock, responding to emails, and addressing any other warehouse-related tasks that arise.
One of your favourite rides?
In 2015 I spent 7 months living in Whistler with enough saved just so I could ride my bike, it’s hard to top freight train into dirt merchant finishing off with lower a line. I reminisce a load about the old local riding spots over in Northern Ireland all the time so I’ll need to get something booked in for next year and scratch that itch.

Tell us about your cycling journey
It all started in the mid 2000s at Moneyscalp in the mourne mountains, Northen Ireland getting pushed off the iconic double drop on my uncles GT aggressor which I couldn’t reach the V-brakes and ended up flying over the next berm and that's the first taste of cycling I had.
That Christmas I got a Kona stuff JR 24” hardtail from Santa which I started racing downhill on and ended up winning my first race which led onto many more years of racing all over Ireland.
From the day I turned 16 years old I’ve been working full time within the bike industry which really made cycling a huge part of my life.
Big adventures coming up?
I’ll need to ask Barry about that one haha! I’m just really enjoying starting to get out again and regaining a bit of fitness.
Current bikes
BMC team machine SLR3 61cm.
OnOne Freeranger XL.
Nukeproof reactor pro XL
Big boy bikes! #Rimbrakesaredead
How does NEW Polaris differ from old Polaris?
To me, the new Polaris range represents a more casual and trendy style that wouldn’t look out of place in a pub afterwards. In contrast, the old Polaris gear was very bright and featured reflective elements throughout which I'm not a massive fan of unless I'm commuting. I believe we are now taking the steps that Polaris should have taken years ago.
What about relaunching excites you the most?
I am genuinely excited about the relaunch. Personally, I can’t wait to clear out the old stock and start working with the new range. I’m looking forward to this journey with the team and am eager to get deeply involved. Although I previously didn’t take much interest in the clothing aspect of cycling, gaining some insight has made me realise its importance and how much discomfort I could have avoided in the past.
What new Polaris product are you currently testing?
I’m currently testing some cargo bibs which I love at the minute, I’m finding it hard to use any my old bibs since getting them to test. I’m 6’5” so we’ve not had many tall lanky samples in yet but when we do, I’ll be the man to test.